Gypsy Moth

Facts About Gypsy Moths and Treatment Options What is a Gypsy Moth? The gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) is a moth that arrived in the United States from Europe in the 1860s. What does a Gypsy Moth look like? Their egg masses are tan, teardrop-shaped and approximately 1 1/2″ long. Their larvae, or caterpillars, are about…

Chinch Bugs

Chinch Bugs Chinch bugs can malign even the best of lawn care programs. There are many types of chinch bugs, although the hairy chinch bug is a specific species that is prevalent in the northeastern United States. They attack many types of grass including Kentucky bluegrass, fine fescues, perennial ryegrass, bentgrass, and zoysia. Chinch bugs…

Trees Bees

Trees And Bees The sight of a bee crawling over a flower and collecting pollen is a familiar one to all of us. What we may not realize, however, is that what we are witnessing is one of the most fascinating examples of give and take between trees and insects. Just as animals depend on…

Asian Longhorned Beetle

What is the Asian Longhorned Beetle? The Asian longhorned beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis) is a wood-boring beetle native to China. It’s believed that it made its way to the New York area in 1996. These tree borers pose a serious threat to some of North America’s most beautiful and popular tree species, including: Maple Horsechestnut Birch…

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Irrigation System Winterize

Winterize Your Irrigation System SavATree helps residential and commercial customers winterize their irrigation systems. The importance of winterizing your sprinkler system can’t be underestimated. If you don’t shut down and winterize your irrigation system correctly, water left in the pipes can freeze, causing pipe walls to crack or rupture. Frozen water in the backflow assembly…

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Irrigation System Maintenance

Irrigation System Maintenance SavATree provides year round irrigation system maintenance to residential and commercial properties. Regular irrigation system maintenance during the warm weather months can ensure that your sprinkler system will work efficiently and properly year after year, protecting your investment and your landscape. Improperly maintained irrigation systems can result in: Wasted water due to…

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Irrigation Spring Start-up

Spring Start Up After a long, cold winter, it can be very damaging to your irrigation system to simply turn it on. That’s exactly how you get water hammer, or a rush of water flowing into an empty pipe caused by a surge of air pressure. It can burst fittings, produce geyser-like water eruptions on…

lawn expert

Lawn Fungus

Types of Lawn Fungus   High humidity, moisture, stress conditions and certain types of grass can create favorable conditions for many types of lawn fungus. The professional lawn care experts at SavATree can work with you to develop a specialized lawn care program that can help reduce lawn fungus. When lawn fungus diseases are suspected…

lawn expert

Turf Management

Turf Management Turf Management Services For Lawns and Golf Courses Turf management by experienced lawn specialists can help you obtain thick grass with vivid color that makes a significant impact on the overall appearance of your property. A professional turf management program cultivates a healthy growing environment by using a meticulously formulated balance of slow…

lawn expert

Soil Analysis

Soil Analysis and Testing Soil analysis is the first step toward achieving your dream lawn. The health of your turf is directly related to the condition of your soil. Analysis via lab testing by a professional will help to customize your lawn care program in order to obtain optimum results and determine how much lime…