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4.6 Stars Google Reviews
4.6 (5,198 reviews)
5 Stars Review Rating
The advice was carefully explained. No pressure. Several options given to save money or have them do the work. The arborist who came out was on time and had a wealth of knowledge.
Joseph D. Joseph D.
5 Stars Review Rating
They are the most courteous company I’ve dealt with. Very reliable. They always know how to properly treat the problem first time round.
Barbara S. Barbara S.
5 Stars Review Rating
The arborist was exceptional. She was not only professional, but explained in great detail what needed to be done, in a simple direct manner.
Nellie S. Nellie S.
5 Stars Review Rating
SavATree have been managing the health and appearance of my trees for longer than I can remember. Very easy to work with. I rely completely on their advice and recommendations.
Cecelia C. Cecelia C.
5 Stars Review Rating
Removed a diseased tree which was approximately 100 feet tall. Cleaned up beautifully. All plants surrounding were left in excellent condition. Nothing was damaged.
Robin A. Robin A.
5 Stars Review Rating
The arborists, tree and turf teams are always knowledgeable, professional and punctual. The quality of service is second to none.
Scott M. Scott M.
5 Stars Review Rating
No fuss, no mess. I should have had this done years ago. SavATree is an excellent example of how things should be done. Exceeded expectations in every way.
Jeff G. Jeff G.
5 Stars Review Rating
We had significant storm damage to our 75yo locust tree this summer. SavATree expertly triaged and re-shaped. It's filling back in nicely and looks very healthy. They are artists!
Phil G. Phil G.
5 Stars Review Rating
Our entire HOA uses SavATree for lawn fertilization. After only one season, they have our lawns looking great.They listen closely to customer needs and are very responsive.
Ron L. Ron L.
DeerTech Three Circles of Protection

Deer Deterrent that Works

Wondering how to stop deer from eating your plants?

DeerTech (a SavATree company) offers a solution that combines sound, deer repellent treatments, and continuously switching things up to prevent deer adaptation. Our solution is far more effective than deer fencing or repellent treatments alone.

Product development and field experience on thousands of properties in high deer pressure areas has proven DeerTech’s effectiveness—as has our over 95% customer satisfaction rate!

DeerTech developed an effective solution to deer control that does not harm deer, pets, or people, by employing biologists with expertise in deer behavior, partnering with Cornell University specialists on deer research, and undertaking extensive field testing to create the best deer prevention solution on the market.

DeerTech Ultrasonic Unit

The Science of DeerTech

People constantly ask us how do we “get rid of deer” or can you “keep deer away?” The truth is you can’t, but what we can do is discourage them from browsing with DeerTech’s Three Circles of Protection. It creates an environment that deer perceive as dangerous and it acts as a deterrent by targeting all of their senses.


Our proprietary ultrasonic units emit sounds that are piercing to deer, but unnoticeable to humans. The motion sensor triggers the sounds when deer are in proximity, which makes them uncomfortable since they cannot listen for predators. With their hearing compromised, deer are disinclined to browse. The units are unobtrusive, energy efficient, and feature on-site programming capability, allowing your specialist to make adjustments based on the conditions on your landscape.


The combination of foliar deer repellents with ultrasonic sound keeps deer feeling unsafe in your environment. We regularly treat with products which deer find the smell and taste objectionable. Ingredients in scented products aid in making deer feel unsafe and making your property less desirable. Deer deterrent treatments make plants taste undesirable to deer and reduce their interest in your landscaping.


Over time, even the first two circles can be penetrated as deer learn to adapt. This is why DeerTech switches things up to keep deer on their toes and unable to adapt.

Deer are creatures of habit. They don’t like changes in their environment. New smells and new sounds scare them. A DeerTech Field Specialist visits your property monthly to observe and adjust your system and treatments accordingly depending on the season, weather changes, and behavioral changes of deer on your property.

We Outsmart Hungry Deer

So go ahead and plant what you want! No deer fencing needed!