
Lawn Disease Treatment

A Problem-Solving Enhancement to Your SavATree Lawn Care Program

Lawn Disease Treatment Services

Dead or dying spots on your lawn could indicate the presence of disease, and all turfgrass diseases are caused by fungus. High humidity, moisture, stress, unfavorable soil conditions, and certain types of grass can combine to create favorable conditions for fungal disease to become active.

To prevent lasting turf damage, call in your arborist when you first spot signs of disease. They will diagnose and, if necessary, confirm with a laboratory analysis to determine the specific cause of your lawns distress followed by appropriate recommendations.

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Benefits of Professional Lawn Care

Boost Soil Health

Boost Soil Health

We believe in a soil-up approach to ensure long-lasting health, starting with a thorough analysis of your landscape’s existing soil and turf conditions.

Adhere to Requirements

Adhere to Requirements

Meet safety and environmental requirements while enhancing the lawn's aesthetic appeal with targeted lawn solutions that go beyond standard programs.

Identify Challenges Early

Identify Challenges Early

Address potential lawn health issues before they escalate. Our proactive services identify and correct problems early, saving you from costly damage and preserving your lawn's beauty.

Treat Diseases Quickly

Treat Diseases Quickly

Our specialized lawn care programs protect against common and emerging issues. Early intervention and ongoing care keep your lawn healthy and manage persistent insects, grubs, and diseases.

Promote Lasting Health

Promote Lasting Health

We use specially-formulated nutrients, minerals, organic products, and slow-release fertilizers to create a safe, beautiful and healthy lawn. With our advanced technology and high standards, we provide environmentally friendly and proven results.

Benefits of Professional Lawn Care

Control and Prevention: Fighting Lawn Disease on All Fronts

There are three conditions that combine to create the “perfect storm” for the emergence of lawn disease:

  • The presence of the fungal pathogen in your turf.
  • The type of grass that is inherently susceptible to the pathogen.
  • Stress conditions in your turf that give the pathogen a welcoming environment to take hold – e.g., excess moisture, hot temperatures, unhealthy soil, weeds, improper mowing practices, and damaging insects.

Fungal pathogens can never be totally eradicated from the lawn; they will lay dormant in the thatch, in the soil, or in the grass plants just waiting for the right conditions to become active. Therefore, establishing and maintaining a healthy lawn is the best defense against disease.

Your SavATree specialist will create a holistic, multi-pronged treatment plan for your lawn disease that will:

Treat the fungal pathogen.

Though the existing damage to the grass cannot be un-done, a fungicide can stop the blight from spreading further. Informed by the results of the laboratory analysis and visual inspection of the turf, your arborist will recommend a well-timed treatment that will be most effective against the specific fungus in your turf. To keep the disease from returning, they will likely recommend a preventive disease program.

Overseed with disease-resistant grass varieties.

By spreading high-quality, disease-resistant grass seed onto your troubled lawn, you can establish a sustainably more disease-resistant turf. SavATree uses premium, university-developed grass seed blends that are naturally resistant to disease, insects, and weeds. Learn more about SavATree Seeding Services.

Treat any insect and weed problems.

The presence of damaging insects and grub worms, and invasive weeds like crabgrass, can weaken your turf and undermine the effectiveness of your disease treatment plan. Our lawn care consultants can identify and treat existing pest and weed infestations, and apply a preventive treatment. Learn more about our Weed Control Treatments, and Insect & Grub Control Treatment.

Aerate the soil.

The compaction of the soil in your lawn can encourage fungal problems by impeding air and water movement and weakening your lawn’s root system. The process of core aeration removes soil cores from your lawn to help water, air and nutrients reach the roots that need them. Learn more about Core Aeration Services.


In order to develop a healthy turf that is more competitive against disease, your treatment plan may also include a balance of specially formulated nutrients and slow-release fertilizers. Learn more about our lawn fertilizer programs.

Proper Cultural Practices

To fortify the disease control treatments provided by SavATree, our lawn care specialist or arborist will provide you with suggestions for improving drainage, mowing practices, and irrigation settings on your property.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • As certified arborists, we provide expert, tailored care for your trees and greenery, using science-based solutions to meet your unique landscape needs.

  • Yes, our organic program uses OMRI-reviewed ingredients, and we customize programs with organic, traditional, or hybrid options to suit your landscape goals.

  • Yes, we provide customized landscape care, risk assessments, and consulting for commercial properties to enhance curb appeal, protect value, and ensure safety.

  • We’re reducing our carbon footprint through operational improvements and hybrid/organic programs, and our Consulting Group supports large-scale environmental projects at all levels. Our product selection is guided by agroscience and a three-tiered protocol to ensure environmental safety, efficacy, and cost. All our regulated ingredients are EPA-approved.

  • Yes. Our ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Consultants perform industry standard tree risk assessments. We follow all national safety standards (the ANSI A300 Part 9 standards, using the formula Probability x Consequences = Risk).

  • Yes. We offer plant health care services tailored to each unique property to properly support plant vigor, growth, and lifespan. Our arborists diagnose and treat insect and disease conditions to provide customized treatment plans for each unique species.

  • SavATree offers organic, traditional, and hybrid lawn care programs. Unlike other companies whose treatments are one-size-fits-all, we target our techniques and applications to the specific conditions of your grass and plants, the soil they’re growing in, and any other aspects that can impact the health of your turf.

  • SavATree is the leader in tree, shrub, and lawn care, with an award-winning team of ISA Certified Arborists. We tailor programs to enhance the safety and beauty of your property. A SavATree arborist will assess your landscape and provide a cost-effective, eco-friendly plan before our crews begin.

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