Timely Tips Spring 2011: Tree Hugger

Which is the tallest tree in the world? Give up? It’s believed that a California Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) named Hyperion standing at a whopping 379. 1 feet tall in California’s Humboldt Redwoods State Park holds this record. Hyperion is over nine feet taller than the previous record holder, the 370.5-foot-tall Stratosphere Giant. Hyperion is not…

Timely Tips Spring 2011: Tips from the Top

Arborists: The Modern Day Shaman? Shamans are healers. Believers say that a shaman can communicate with a person’s soul in order to identify and alleviate the issue that ails it — in turn restoring balance and wholeness to the individual. I know what you’re thinking… “My arborist has the power to tap into the spiritual…

Timely Tips Spring 2011: Sapling Art

From Sapling to Masterpiece Patrick Dougherty is an internationally acclaimed sculptor. His medium? Tree saplings of course! Dougherty combines carpentry skills with a love for nature to create beautiful, large-scale, temporary structures. Some are freestanding; others are woven into groves of trees or lashed around buildings. His creations begin with a sound, vision or experience…

Timely Tips Spring 2011: Maintaining Old Trees

Maintaining Old Trees Conservation Arboriculture Since the beginning, trees have furnished us with life essentials. To our ancestors, trees were part of their subsistence and economy. Over time, our uses and our knowledge of their benefits increased. Regardless of the time period — trees are an integral part of life. Our planet’s largest and oldest…

Timely Tips Spring 2011: Healthy Lawn

A Healthy Lawn, A Healthy Environment “Green” choices for a green lawn A healthy lawn is the ultimate welcome mat. Of course, we all want our home’s welcome mat to share an inviting message to those it greets. A well maintained lawn that is managed using an environmentally responsible approach not only communicates your appreciation…

Tree Guide Book

Book Corner WHAT TREE IS THAT? A guide to trees commonly found in North America Published by the Arbor Day Foundation Illustrations by Karina I. Helm This useful, easy to follow guide helps identify more than 250 of North America’s more common species. It is a great tool for anyone wanting to know more about…

Timely Tips Spring 2011: Autumn News

Company News In January 2011, Matthew and Veronica Dziedzic, the founder and director of Autumn Tree Care Experts, respectively — announced their decision to merge the business with SavATree, a leading provider of tree, shrub and lawn care services. During recent months, we have been working together to seamlessly integrate the two businesses. This decision…

Timely Tips Spring 2011: Air Excavation

A Closer Look at Tree Roots Air Excavation TAKE A LOOK AT YOUR TREES. It’s relatively easy to see the limb that needs to be pruned, the leaf that is yellowing, or the borer hole in the bark. However, it isn’t exactly easy to get a glimpse at the issues that lie beneath the soil:…

consulting arborist

Timely Tips Fall/Winter 2011: Winterproof, Autumn

Ten Tips for Protecting Your Landscape Over the Winter Branches and trees toppled by snow and ice, foliage destroyed by extreme temperatures and hungry wildlife, plantings killed by salt and deicing agents are just a few of the issues facing homeowners and property managers when Spring arrives and the snow thaws out. While it’s hard…