Emerald Ash Borer

Emerald Ash Borer: SavATree Preventive and Curative Treatments Will Help You Manage This Crisis The Problem The emerald ash borer (EAB) was first discovered in the U.S. in the summer of 2002 in southeast Michigan. The EAB has since killed tens of millions of trees in the United States and so far has established itself…

Storm Protection: Before and After

Before And After A Storm Hits Caring for Trees Before a Storm Protect your family, pets, cars and other personal property from the damaging effects of a fallen tree with proactive, year-round tree care. With annual inspections to identify potential hazards, routine supplemental fertilizer applications to manage tree health, and periodic pruning, your trees will…

Trees Misunderstood

Why Storm Damage Happens Trees falling on houses, across roads or taking out power lines are common news headlines after major storms. This gives the misimpression that trees are dangerous. What is often overlooked is that there usually is an underlying reason why trees fall or break. Underlying Causes that Can Lead to Down or…

Storm Damage Prevention

Reduce Tree and Landscape Storm Damage   The condition of your landscape has a significant impact on the value of your home – some estimate upwards of 15%. This means, every strong storm brings with it the chance that a large percentage of your home’s value could be compromised. Did you know…most trees that fall…

Protect Trees from Lightning

Lightning Protection for Trees As arborists can tell you, trees are the most common victims of lightning strikes. Most lightning bolts pass through trees on the way to the ground. This is because trees contain a lot of water and water is a better electrical conductor than air. The tree trunk in particular contains a…

Emergency Tree Removal

Emergency Tree Removal Emergency Tree Removal Service for Fallen and Hazardous Trees Nature is unpredictable, but you can count on SavATree to be timely, knowledgeable and reliable. Our tree service experts are always ready to help you in the event of an emergency tree care situation. The SavATree Response As soon as you and your…

Biostimulant Treatment

Click here for your complimentary consultation from SAVATREE ArborKelp® ArborKelp®, an exclusive product pioneered by SavATree, is a biostimulant, that promotes root growth and heightens stress tolerance in plants. It is especially advantageous for new transplants, trees and shrubs that are under stress and in situations where the introduction of nitrogen may encourage proliferation of…

Fertilizing Diseased Trees

Tree Disease Treatment I Should Fertilize My Diseased Tree, Right? Not necessarily… Applying tree fertilizer to a diseased tree or one that is battling insect infestation can actually do more harm than good. One classic example is fertilizing hemlocks with an NPK (nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium) based product when the tree is suffering from insect infestation…

SavATree Tree Services & Lawn Care

Tree Removal

Tree Removal Services While we vastly prefer to focus our efforts in caring for trees, there are situations when removing a tree is necessary: It’s a hazardous tree — that is, it has a structural defect that makes it likely to fail — and is beyond the point where other methods (such as installing a…

Tree Fungus

Tree Fungus Treatment & Identification Understanding Fungi That Infect Trees Toadstools, puffballs, dwarf benches and mushrooms are just a few of the names given to describe some of the fungi that can be affecting the health of your trees. Formerly thought of as a group of simple plants lacking chlorophyll, fungi are now classified as…