While flowers, specifically roses, are a beautiful and traditional gift for Valentine’s Day, they are not particularly environmentally sound and only last a few days. Giving plants can be an alternative to candy or flowers which may be more romantic and representative of your affection. Gifts on Valentine’s Day are supposed to show love and affection for the recipient so when your gift wilts and dies after several days what does that say about your true feelings? A plant will remain vibrant and vigorous for years, allowing your recipient to think fondly of you every time they gaze upon that gift.
Additionally, plants improve the environment and if it is something that can be transplanted into the landscape, they can increase the value of the property. An indoor plant will bring beauty to the living space, help those of us buried under snow remember that spring will come and improves air quality. Of course there are other environmentally friendly and meaningful gifts you can give your sweetheart on Valentine’s Day:
Adopt a Wild Animal and help save endangered species, Defenders of Wildlife has been a leading innovator in developing the most effective ways to conserve imperiled wildlife and wild lands for over 65 years. Your adoption donation will immediately be put to use where it is most needed to achieve these goals. Visit https://secure.defenders.org/site/SPageNavigator/wagc_homepage.html to choose which wild animal you would like your love to support, your gift will come with a personalized adoption certificate, animal fact sheet and stuffed plush animal. This is a Valentine’s gift that shows your commitment and care for not only your loved one, but the all living beings.
Support the Climate Coalition and show your love for the world. The Climate Coalition is the largest group of people dedicated to taking action against climate change. Headquartered in the UK, this Valentine’s Day they have launched the #ShowTheLove campaign as a way to get more people involved and attempt to influence politicians and decision-makers to stop hesitating to make laws about climate change. #ShowTheLove asks people to submit photos of things they love and fear losing due to the effects of climate change. To participate and show your love join here: http://fortheloveof.org.uk/share/.
Plant a tree in honor of someone you love. In line with the introduction to this post, planting a tree is a gift that will continue to give for years and years. Additionally the benefits to the planet from planting trees; carbon dioxide absorption, stormwater treatment, erosion control, habitat and forage provisions, reduce energy usages and costs, temperature mitigation and more, show an unselfish commitment to leaving the world a better place than you found it. You can literally purchase and plant a tree, make a donation to the Arbor Day Foundation or have them plant a tree in memory or celebration of someone you love: http://shop.arborday.org/content.aspx?page=commemorative.
Think outside the bouquet this Valentine’s Day and show your love long term for your loved ones and the world.