Last weekend the Urban Ecology Collaborative (UEC) held its annual meeting in Baltimore., and I had a great time participating. The UEC is a community of practice made up of public (federal, state, municipal) and NGO urban foresters from cities across the east (Boston, Worcester, Providence, New Haven, New York, Newark, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Baltimore, and Washington, DC.)
While all cities weren’t able to make it, we still had a great meeting.
Whether touring BlueWaterBaltimore‘s blue alleys (turning alleys into stormwater management features via permeable pavement), learning about Baltimore GreenSpace‘s unique efforts to identify and manage urban forest patches, or hearing TreePhilly present on making arborly love, it was a great time for best practices sharing.
Many thanks to TreeBaltimore for coordinating the meeting and to Baltimore City Rec and Parks and the Parks & People Foundation for hosting our meetings.
You can learn more about the UEC from their website and from this article from City Trees magazine.