Give Trees and Shrubs a Boost

Spring is prime time for enhancing the health of trees and shrubs.

The enduring impact of the 2022 drought, coupled with shifting weather patterns, has left numerous landscapes stressed and increasingly prone to diseases and pests. Cultivating a healthy soil environment is vital for strengthening their defenses.

Signs that your trees and shrubs may need a boost include off-color leaves, dieback, stunted growth, premature leaf loss, or sparse foliage.

SavATree offers premium solutions to improve soil health:

  • ArborKelp®, an organic biostimulant that boosts root growth, improves soil structure, and enhances microbial
  •  activity for optimal nutrient
  • ArborHealth®, an exclusive slow-release fertilizer that provides micro and macro nutrients and sea kelp to correct nutritional deficiencies and increase the plant’s growth and
  • Organic Soil Enhancer, a treatment that incorporates liquid organic matter to rebuild soil’s organic profile, enhancing texture, drainage, and fostering beneficial soil microorganisms.

Combine ArborKelp® and Organic Soil Enhancer to stimulate root growth, improve stress tolerance, and enhance overall tree and shrub health. Proper soil management fosters organic matter and beneficial microbial activity.

Contact us today to learn how SavATree can help.

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