Spotted LanternflyThe Spotted Lanternfly, an exotic, invasive pest indigenous to Asia, was first discovered in Pennsylvania in 2014. Since then, without a natural predator, it has been spreading throughout the eastern region of the US and will continue to make its way further south and into the Midwest. This pest, technically a planthopper, poses a serious threat to agricultural and landscape plants.

Lanternflies feed on nearly 100 tree species, from fruit trees to maples and oaks to birch, sycamore, willows, Tree of Heaven, and more by piercing a tree’s bark to feed on its sap, “bleeding” a tree and compromising its health. Affected trees will experience oozing sap, wilting, leaf curling and tree dieback. Lanternflies also excrete a substance while feeding that encourages the growth of black sooty mold on trees.

SavATree’s treatments will help control populations before they get out of hand.

Get in touch with an arborist for a free consultation.

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