Your lawn has started preparing for dormant season. Have you?

Winter is on the way, which means the warm season lawns on most properties are preparing for dormancy. Without proactive soil amendments and pre-emergent applications during this time, many lawns may be unable to retain enough nutrients and could struggle to bounce back in the spring.

Over the next few months of the fall season, Georgia lawns will begin to prepare for dormancy – a safety mechanism that acts as a natural barrier against inadequate moisture, cooler temperatures, or the occasional cold snap.

Some of the best things you can do for your lawn right now are to apply soil amendments and pre-emergent applications.

These services will fortify your lawn and help it bounce back with a robust, early green-up once spring arrives.

Applying the proper soil amendment starts with a soil analysis. The importance of a soil analysis is to reveal nutrient content, the percentage of organic matter present, pH levels, as well as other information about your soil’s health. Analysis of the soil will identify the soil amendments that will be most beneficial to your lawn, whether it’s sulfur (to reduce pH), lime (to raise pH) or organic soil enhancer that restores organic matter to the soil.

Pre-emergent applications are applied at this time in order to preemptively control weeds and annual bluegrass. Additionally, existing perennial weeds are most susceptible to control as they prepare for dormancy.

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