Tips From The Top
by Carmine Schiavone, CEOSavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

“Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises.” — Pedro Calderon de la BarcaSavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

Nature is the antidote

I’ve always been a lover of the outdoors. Over this past year, I’ve been making a point to get out there a lot more often. My guess is you have, too. That’s a good thing. Heading into our green spaces, even for brief visits, can help us weather the strains of our necessarily socially-distanced work and personal lives.

Sure, there’s the undeniable upside of physical exercise, but it goes beyond that. Health scientists have reported the particular benefits of spending time in nature. Lightened mood. Reduced anxiety. Increased mental sharpness. In these strange and trying times, Mother Nature provides us not only a safe harbor, but an emotional tonic as well.

Let’s keep it up — in whatever ways our schedules and commitments allow, spending more time with nature reduces our life stresses. For me, it includes weekend hikes with my wife and son, daily walks in and around my neighborhood, and some early evening meanders in my backyard to pull a few weeds and spot the first crocuses. (It makes me feel better just thinking about it.) Happily, the longer days and warmer temperatures ahead will offer us even more opportunities to step away from the blue screens and into the wild green yonder. I think we could all use a good walk in the woods.

Best wishes for good health to you and yours,


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