Giving Your Palms A Hand

The key to palm pruning is moderation and restraint. It’s tempting to overdo it but pruning anything besides dead or brown fronds of palm trees will do more harm than good. However, coconuts and large palm seeds are an exception to the rule and should be removed during hurricane season.


To ensure the overall health and growth of your palm trees, it is important to prune them the correct way. Improper palm tree pruning can have a devastating effect and will severely injure the tree. If pruning palm trees is done incorrectly, diseases such as “Fusarium Wilt” can be transmitted to the tree. This disease is contagious and if left untreated, will result in death. 


Be sure you never pull or tear off leaves by hand even if they come off easily. This can cause wounds on the trunk and also create points of entry for diseases. Proper palm tree pruning will keep palms growing and healthy, helping to create a tropical paradise. Call in a SavATree expert to prune your palms.


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