Landscape Care Calendar
- Fortify and fertilize your lawn with a Revive application
- Plant new evergreen trees and shrubs
- Nourish your trees and shrubs with a deep root fertilization
- Treat trees and shrubs for late season insects
- Arrange a storm damage prevention audit
- Continue to water trees and shrubs suffering from summer stress
- Mulch beds of broadleaved evergreens (boxwood, privet etc.)
- Begin regular treatments for mites and voles
- Prune, cable, and brace trees to help reduce the risk of storm damage
- Protect susceptible evergreen plants from winter injury with antidesiccant
- Review and confirm your plant health care and lawn programs for the coming year
- Take down dead or hazardous trees
- Take advantage of frozen ground to prune accessible trees
- Prune fruit trees to enhance fruit production
- Perform maintenance pruning of shade trees and ornamentals
- Grind stumps
- Schedule inspection of your tree cables and lightning protection systems