Landscape Calender


  • Slice seed, aerate and overseed bare spots in the lawn
  • Plant new evergreen trees and shrubs
  • Water plants deeply in dry weather
  • Fertilize your lawn at least 2-3 times in fall, beginning this month


  • Apply deer repellent regularly to reduce browsing
  • Begin removing leaves and other insect and disease harboring debris
  • Nourish your trees and shrubs with a deep root fertilization


  • Prune, cable and brace trees to help reduce the risk of storm damage
  • Prune back perennials
  • Protect susceptible evergreen plants from winter injury with antidesiccant


  • Protect roses, figs and perennials with burlap screens
  • Prune evergreen branches for indoor winter decoration


  • Prune late summer blooming trees, shrubs and vines
  • Order roses to replace those that have been lost or damaged


  • Prune fruit trees to enhance fruit production
  • Apply a follow-up antidesiccant
  • Schedule inspection of your tree cables and lightning protection systems