Jan12016LatestCategory: LatestBy Merrick LeeJanuary 1, 2016Leave a comment Author: Merrick Lee https://savatree.com Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Happy Holiday’s from SavATreeNextNext post:The Benefits of Tall Fescue Extend BelowgroundRelated PostsMediterranean Pine Engraver Beetle Infestations in Stressed TreesMarch 14, 2023Do You Need to Rake the Leaves on Your Lawn?November 14, 2022Why Hiring a Professional Holiday Lighting Installer is ImportantOctober 31, 2022Caring for and Maintaining a Chinese Elm TreeAugust 22, 2022How to Ensure You Hire a Professional Tree Removal CompanyAugust 22, 2022What Causes Sudden Oak Death?August 12, 2022