Japanese beetle

What Japanese beetles like to eat

The Japanese beetle may look beautiful on the outside with its shimmering green, coppery-brown colored body, but their beauty hides an insatiable appetite which can quickly destroy plant matter on your property. For almost one hundred years, the Japanese beetle has been wreaking havoc on lawns and throughout landscapes across the eastern United States and…

SavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

Hardiness zone map is shifting its way up north

Before homeowners and even landscape professionals begin planning their garden design, they’ll first consult the hardiness zone map, which ensures their geographical location can support their growth. According to a recent poll conducted by the New York Times, readers were asked to describe how they saw climate change affecting their residential properties. Several homeowners actually…

SavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

June 17-23 is National Pollinator Week

The week is proudly sponsored by the Pollinator Partnership, whose mission is to promote the health and sustainability of pollinators critical to our food supply and ecosystems across the globe. From the Pollinator Partnership, “Pollinators are essential to our daily life. Imagine a cup without coffee, a garden without flowers or a plate without food. With…