The Word on Weeds

The Word on Weeds

Current Conditions The weather so far this month has actually been quite pleasant and mild, with some hot and humid days  and some cool, breezy ones thrown in for good measure. Although the average rain amounts across the region have been moderate with a little less than an inch of accumulated precipitation, some areas experienced unsettled weather…

Present Pests

Present Pests

Current Conditions The past couple of weeks the weather has been a variable grab bag of weather extremes. While May ended dry and cool, much of the region experienced higher than normal seasonal temperatures and humidity over the past week. Daytime highs have ranged from the dry 50s along the coast to the 80s with 90%…

cedar rust

Affliction Afoot

Current Conditions Weather for the beginning of June has actually been quite pleasant and mild, with some hot and humid days thrown in for good measure. Although the average across the region has been moderate with a little less than an inch of accumulated precipitation, some areas experienced unsettled weather including some strong thunderstorms. Soils in…

SavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

Disease Diagnostics

Current Conditions In the past couple of weeks the weather has fluctuated from mild, seasonal temperatures with about an inch of rain, then more recent cold, wet snap and back to summery feeling highs.  Seasonable day time highs, during the sunny period, and consistently cool night time lows along with the accumulated rainfall overall have been…

SavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

Ongoing Obstacles

Current Conditions In the past couple of weeks the weather has fluctuated from mild, seasonal temperatures with about an inch of rain, to the more recent cold, wet snap.  Seasonable day time highs, during the sunny period, and consistently cool night time lows along with the accumulated rainfall overall have been adequate for plant growth.…

SavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

Novel Nuisances

Current Conditions Fluctuating weather conditions continued over the past couple of weeks, with a cold front replacing warm temperatures with raw, windy, damp weather.  Seasonal temperatures were mixed in with brief periods of heavy rain in some places and drastic overnight lows. Crabapples, cherries, horsechestnuts, rhododendrons, azaleas, redbud, Amelanchier, lilacs and viburnums are coming into…

SavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

The Lay of the Lawn

Current Conditions Our slow to start and fluctuating spring has earned the region an average of 82 growing degree days. The cool, overcast, damp days had initially given way to warmer than average temperatures but have leveled out to seasonal temperatures for this time of year. Soil temperatures have increased and are appropriate for encouraging root…