More to be done to make Baltimore’s urban waters fishable and swimmable by 2020

Yesterday the Waterfront Partnership and EcoCheck issued the Healthy Harbor Report Card for 2013. While there are some signs of improvement, Baltimore’s streams, the Inner Harbor, and the Tidal Patapsco River all received failing grades. The overall grade for Baltimore’s waterways is an F. Of all sites sampled, two-thirds failed to meet the swimming standard…

SavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

Constructive Control

Managed Microcosm Maintaining your lawn and landscape and protecting them from pests and disease provides more benefits than just aesthetic value. Landscape conservation, pest control, disease prevention and lawn maintenance are beneficial to your household financially and aesthetically, but they also provide ecological benefits to your local community and region as well as for wildlife…

SavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

Moisture Ministrations

Planting Paradigm Typically the best time of year to plant new landscape stock is in the fall, with proper planting and site selection, nourishment, watering and care; overwintering dormancy can be beneficial for root and shoot growth in the next growing season.  Nursery stock may experience transplant shock due to root loss from being dug up at…

SavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

Beetle Blight

Affliction Appearance The first breeding populations of Asian long-horned beetles (Anoplophora glabripennis or ALB) was discovered in 1996 in New York.  This incredibly invasive and destructive species was accidentally introduced through shipping cargo from Asia.  While three states, Massachusetts, New York and Ohio, are under federal quarantine, suitable habitat is found in almost every state. Federal…

SavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

Water Feature Worth

Feature Focus The soothing sounds and interesting, characteristic plants of a water garden can add value to your landscape. With options like ponds, pools and waterfalls, a water feature can be customized to your property and tastes. Before you negate the possibility due to scale or cost, consider a deck top pond or bucket garden,…

SavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

Indoor Interests

Plant Perks Indoor plants not only bring beauty to our indoor spaces but provide many additional benefits as well, such as; increasing oxygen levels, air purification, release of water vapor and some studies have shown plants will aid in patient recovery and assist with mental focus. When we breath we take in oxygen and release…

SavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

Predatory Plants

Atypical Adaptations Carnivorous plants are ones that have to find their required nutrients  through processes other than uptaking from the soil. While most plants absorb nitrogen from the soil through their roots, carnivorous plants absorb it from their prey through their leaves.They tend to live in nutrient poor habitats and have developed adaptations, although seemingly…

SavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

Novel Nuisances

Current Conditions Fluctuating weather conditions continued over the past couple of weeks, with a cold front replacing warm temperatures with raw, windy, damp weather.  Seasonal temperatures were mixed in with brief periods of heavy rain in some places and drastic overnight lows. Crabapples, cherries, horsechestnuts, rhododendrons, azaleas, redbud, Amelanchier, lilacs and viburnums are coming into…
