SavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

Strain from Stress?

Colony collapse has been a hot topic since the large decline of honeybee populations was noted several years ago. Since then many theories postulating various causes have made the rounds, each one has its merits and detractors and in the end it is possible that all are contributing factors. The most recent theory suggests that stress…

SavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

Termite Mound Mitigation

A Princeton University research team has found that termites can actually slow the desertification process by creating small oases of plant life. Their results suggest that not only prevent the spread of deserts into semi-arid ecosystems and agricultural lands but can also increase their resilience to climate change. In the arid savannas and grasslands termite…

SavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

Soil Moisture Satellite

On Friday, January 30th after 2 failed attempts NASA’s Soil Moisture Active Passive Satellite (SMAP) was finally launched on a Delta 2 rocket. The SMAP have been in development for almost 2 decades, once it is in orbit at 426 miles above the Earth’s surface it will measure soil moisture content. This data is critical…

SavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

World Wetlands Day!

World Wetlands Day is celebrated every year on February 2, but the importance of wetlands should be recognized throughout the year. Wetlands are a critical part of the watershed, these ecosystems; act as a sink for stormwater, filter and purify water, grow rice crops feeding millions, provide habitat for wildlife, help prevent coastal erosion and flooding and…

SavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

The Buzz on Native Bees

We hear a lot about honeybees now, with colony collapse posing a large, ominous threat to our agricultural industry and therefore populations, but often overlooked are the wonders and benefits of native bees. Native bees are incredibly diverse, with over 4,000 known species, they also display unique behaviors and biological quirks. Wildlife photographer, Clay Bolt,…
