Emerald Ash Borer

EAB has proven to be an expensive and unpredictable challenge to local shade tree commissions. We have a wide scope of offerings beginning with individual tree assessment, all the way up to comprehensive tree inventory and management plans for entire cities. Here’s a recent article highlighting actions by the Rutherford Shade Tree Department and the…


Dogwood Sawflies

Wasp-like adults emerge sometime in May through July and oviposit eggs onto the underside of leaves. Other species of sawflies have been abundant this year so far.  Larvae feed gregariously and skeletonize leavesas early instars, but eventually consume entire leaves except for tough mid-veins. Learn more about Dogwood on our website   https://www.savatree.com/dogwood-tree.html            …


SavATree is at this year’s ISA conference Booth #900

The ISA Annual International Conference and Trade Show August 13th-17th provides a forum for the exchange of information and opportunities to network with others in the arboricultural profession. The event provides a lineup of educational sessions led by industry leaders from around the globe, sharing their thoughts and views about the newest trends in equipment, practice,…

Stressed Turf - SavATree

Gazing In The Grass

Republished with permission from Frank S. Rossi, Associate Professor and Extension Turfgrass Specialist, Cornell University Turfgrass Program The residual effects of the six week stretch of high temperature, high humidity and rainfall is revealing more and more stressed turf. It is likely that if you are seeing turf decline at this time, the actual stress…

Long-term Drought Effects on Trees and Shrubs

Long-term Drought Effects on Trees and Shrubs

Republished with permission from Ron Kujawski, Horticultural Consultant, UMass Amherst The Center for Agriculture, Food and the Environment at https://ag.umass.edu. Recurring and prolonged periods of drought seem to have become commonplace in many regions of the country in recent years. The effects on trees and shrubs can often be seen in both natural and man-made…


Gypsy Moth Infestation

What’s Happening in Your Neck of the Woods: Gypsy Moth Infestation Areas Affected Most concentrated infestations in the northeastern and mid-Atlantic states. Varying density of infestations reported in Michigan, Minnesota, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Isolated infestations in Utah, Oregon, Washington, and California. Trees Impacted Prefers oaks, though will also eat many other tree and shrub species…
