Patricia Mendoza, Commercial Arborist

Territory and Services:

Patricia operates out of SavATree’s Monterey, CA branch providing comprehensive commercial tree and shrub services to Gilroy, Hollister, Santa Cruz County, and Monterey County, CA. Some services that Patricia and the team offer to clients in the Monterey area include tree pruning, tree and lawn fertilization, tree removal, tree disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment, and shrub services. If you would like to keep your property healthy and thriving throughout the entire year, then get in contact with Patricia to schedule a complimentary consultation

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (831) 535-2597

LinkedIn Profile


Patricia has 7 years of experience working in Commercial Landscaping.


  • Bachelor of Science Degree, with a minor in Veterinary Science.
  • Master of Science Degree, with a minor in Agricultural Science.


Patricia speaks 3 languages and is working on a 4th. She loves to golf, swim and power walk along the beautiful coastline of Monterey County. She’s an avid animal lover and has a beautiful cat named Jasmina. Patricia loves to cook and eat!

Community Involvement:

We are members of the Monterey Peninsula Chamber, Salinas Valley Chamber and The Monterey County Hospitality Association.

Industry Involvement/Awards/Certifications:

  • Certified in ITRC – Cal Poly (Irrigation Training & Research Center)

Why She Became an Arborist:

“In my 7 years working in Commercial Landscaping, I had the pleasure of observing tree care experts maintain the health of trees, and the desire to be a part of their team continued to grow.  I grew up in a home that had a very large oak tree in the front yard, and I have wonderful memories of climbing that tree for many years.  Those wonderful memories are still alive in me.  I respect that trees are critical to our ecosystem and I want to do my part in making sure they thrive.”

Customer Service Philosophy:

“I am committed to fully understanding your tree care needs and any challenges that are affecting those needs. My priority is to offer the best tree care not only for the sake of their health, but also for your return on investment.  My goal is to earn your trust!”

Fun Fact:

We played tour guide for one of our VPs and took him to Big Sur.  He was rendered speechless from the stunning beauty of the area, especially the purple sand beach.


Territory List:


