SavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

Bamboo Boom?

It may feel like deja vu; new, promising plant species will sustainably replace inefficient species to reduce carbon emissions, maintain biodiversity and save the world! Okay that may be a bit hyperbolic but the gist is the same; new species, new crops, new product to drastically change a former environmentally unfriendly material into a green…

SavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

Sustenance from Soil

Soil is one of the four elements upon which life on earth depends; soil, water, air and sunlight. 2015 has been declared the International Year of Soils (IYS) by the U.N., and the Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) has organized themes for each month in an effort to further highlight the need for soil preservation…

SavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

Plant Perspicacity

A species of pitcher plant growing in Borneo has been found to strategize its prey catching capabilities in order to maximize the windfall. This pitcher plant, Nepenthes spp.,  is able to  adjust the slipperiness of its characteristic pitfall trap in response to changing weather conditions so as to dine on large number of ants at…

SavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

Rainforest Retention

A recent NASA study has found that tropical rainforests are increasingly absorbing more carbon dioxide in response to rising levels of greenhouse gases in the environment. These forests are acting as a sink for 1.4 billion metric tons, a little more than half of the 2.5 billion metric tons absorbed worldwide. This NASA study also…

SavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

Horticultural Head Count

In mid-December the United States Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA NASS) launched its horticultural census of 2014. The goal of this census-taking is to provide a comprehensive illustration of the country’s horticultural sector. This survey is the sole source of information regarding production and sales data for U.S. floriculture, nursery and specialty crops,…

SavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

Perennial Positives

Nutrient enriched agricultural runoff can be severely detrimental to surface water quality, aquatic life and human health. Localized surface water will eventually reach and discharge into larger water bodies, meaning changes in water quality in a stream will affect the watershed which will eventually affect other watersheds. For instance; nitrates from cultivating soybean and corn…

SavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

Karner Blue Butterfly Bulwark

In a dramatic, but satisfying, twist of fate, the Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis) has almost recovered from the brink of extinction. Named for its initial location of discovery and beautiful coloration the Karner blue butterfly relies on unique inland wetland pine barrens found east of Minnesota and along the eastern seaboard. Historically the blue’s range was a…

SavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

Extant Plants

The term “living fossil” was coined by Charles Darwin to describe plants still surviving today that were known to be thriving millions of years ago. Primitive spore and seed-bearing plants which flourished in the ages of the dinosaurs are still found on earth today. When dinosaurs roamed the planet, 65-225 million years ago,  was a…

SavATree Tree Services & Lawn Care

Fruits Vs. Vegetables

While this  may not seem like an argument, suspend disbelief for one second and indulge me, do you actually know the difference between fruits and vegetables? This may seem subjective, but that is probably because you are thinking about it in terms of what you eat and not botanically. So, gardeners and chefs may define…

SavATree - Tree Service & Lawn Care

Capitol Christmas

The tradition of placing a live tree on the White House lawn in celebration of Christmas was started in 1964 by then Speaker of the House, U.S. Representative, John W. McCormack (D-MA). At that time, the tree was actually planted in its place, it lived for approximately 3 years before succumbing to damage from wind and…