Ash TreeThe ash tree is a handsome, native, deciduous tree. There are over 60 ash tree species— the white ash being the largest of the family. The ash tree is a strong, medium to very large tree, depending on type, and a relative of the olive tree. Ash trees have an opposite branching structure, with multiple leaflets.  Depending on species, ash tree leaves are green, turning yellow or purple-burgundy in the fall. Spring flowers are inconspicuous, but the fruit that follows is more noticeable, hanging in clusters of winged seeds which turn light brown and linger on the tree until early winter. The ash tree has a lovely rounded crown and gray diamond-shaped furrowed trunk when mature. An interesting fact about the ash tree is its characteristic agile wood is used to make baseball bats.

How Best to Grow Ash Trees?

  • Most ash tree varieties grow best in moist, rich soil; require full sun and plenty of space.

How Large Do Ash Trees Grow?

  • Ash Trees can grow from 50 to 80 feet high with a Crown Spread of 50 to 90 feet

Ash Tree Care

Ash Tree LeavesAsh trees are susceptible to ash tree borers and other pests and disease. Keep ash trees as healthy as possible through regular monitoring, pruning, fertilizing and watering. By following these steps, you can help prevent ash tree problems from starting.

Newly planted ash trees can benefit from ArborKelp®, SavATree’s exclusive seaweed biostimulant which aids in tree establishment, promotes root growth and heightens stress tolerance.

Mature and established ash trees benefit from ash tree fertilizer feedings of organic-based macro and micronutrients for the nutrition necessary to sustain their health.

Ash Tree Pruning

Arborist Consultation Ash trees should be trained to grow with a center leader and require pruning to develop a strong structure especially due to their opposing branch structure.

Pruning is recommended to preserve or improve tree structure, vigor and life-span. Pruning can reduce specific defects or structural problems in an ash tree to greatly lessen the risk of failure.

Broken, diseased, or dead ash tree branches are typically removed in order to prevent decay-producing fungi from infecting other areas of the tree. Also, removal of live branches is occasionally necessary to allow increased exposure to sunlight and circulation of air within the canopy. This assists in reduction of certain ash tree diseases. We also advocate the removal of branch stubs to promote successful and proper healing of wounds.

Your SavATree certified arborist is equipped with the latest techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to keep your ash trees healthy, beautiful and safe. Contact us today for information on pruning or any of our other tree care services.

Ash Tree Diseases, Ash Tree Pests & Ash Tree Problems

Ash Tree Disease

There are several damaging ash tree diseases and pests. Some of the most common are:

Emerald Ash Borer – This invasive wood-boring beetle has killed millions of ash trees in the United States by attacking the tree’s nutrient carrying vessels.  Look for S-shaped galleries on the underside of the bark and D-shaped exit holes. Read more about the emerald ash borer.

Anthracnose – This disease results in extensive defoliation, shoot dieback, and twig death of ash trees. Often confused with frost damage, signs of anthracnose include brown areas on ash tree leaves, canker on the trunk and main branches, and purplish-brown areas along the veins of the leaves.

Ash Yellows – This disease affects mostly white and green ash trees.  It is characterized by a loss of vigor over the years. Leaves may start to yellow and develop early fall color. The ash tree may lose leaves and cankers may start to form on the trunk and branches, causing dieback.

Verticullium Wilt – This infection results in cankers and dieback.

Other Ash Tree diseases and Pests include:

  • Banded ash clearwing
  • Ash flowergall mite
  • Ash rust
  • Powdery mildew
  • Ash Anthracnose
  • Cankers
  • Butt rots
  • Root rots

Many of these insect and ash tree disease conditions can weaken the tree and lead to tree death if not treated. If you suspect a problem with your ash trees, call a SavATree certified arborist right away for an evaluation and treatment options. Our tree care experts can help protect your ash trees and keep your landscape beautiful.

If you’d like to establish ash tree varieties in your landscape, we can connect you with one of our reputable and qualified landscape experts that can help you purchase and plant new ash trees.

For a complimentary consultation with a certified arborist, contact the location nearest you.

Diseased photo: Ash disease 5037085 from USDA Forest Service – Forest Health Protection – St. Paul Archive, USDA Forest Service,

Other Common Tree Varieties in the US