Pine trees are softwood evergreens that can grow in compact groupings, making them ideal for use as a screen or windbreak. There are about 110 species of pine trees, with many color variations among species. The Eastern White pine, for example, has bluish needles in groups of five. Most pine trees have a pyramid shape when young, but become a freer formed canopy as the tree matures. Pine tree cones are typically grouped in the top third of the tree, maturing at different levels based on species. Cones are the fingerprints of pine trees with no two species having identical cones. Several species of pine trees are used in large landscapes, parks and as Christmas trees.
Where Do Pine Trees Grow Best?
- Most pine tree varieties are medium to fast growing and can transplant well. Pine trees prefer acidic, moist and well-drained soil and sun to part shade.
How Large Do Pine Trees Grow?
- Ranges by species – white pine trees cab grow 50-80 feet tall & develop a 50-60 foot Crown Spread.
Pine Tree Care
Pine trees have many large lateral branches and root systems are usually shallow. Using a pine tree fertilizer in addition to regular watering and pruning helps keep trees healthy and better able to tolerate stress, insects and pine tree diseases.
Newly planted pine trees benefit from ArborKelp®, SavATree’s exclusive seaweed biostimulant fertilizer which aids in tree establishment, promotes root growth and heightens stress tolerance.
Mature and established pine trees benefit from fertilizer feedings of organic-based macro and micronutrients for the nutrition necessary to sustain their health.
Pine Tree Pruning
The fast growing pine tree can outgrow its surroundings and shape if not pruned. Pruning is recommended to preserve or improve pine tree structure, vigor and life-span.
Pruning can reduce specific defects or structural pine tree problems to greatly lessen the risk of failure. Tree branches that are broken, dead or show signs of disease are typically removed in order to prevent decay-producing fungi from infecting other areas of the pine tree.
Removal of live branches is occasionally necessary to allow increased exposure to sunlight and circulation of air within the canopy. This assists in reduction of certain pine tree diseases. We also advocate the removal of branch stubs to promote successful and proper healing of wounds.
Your SavATree certified arborist is equipped with the latest techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to keep your pine trees healthy, beautiful and safe. Contact us today for information on pruning or any of our other pine tree care services.
Common Pine Tree Problems
Common Insects Affecting Pine Trees:
- Weevil
- Bark beetles
- Adelgid
- Sawfly larvae caterpillars
- Pine needle miners
- Pine needle scales
Pine Tree Diseases:
- Canker diseases
- Needle cast
- White Pine blister rust
- Root rot
Symptoms of Pine Tree Diseases & Pests:
- Cottony growth on bark
- White resin
- Needle discoloration
- Defoliation
- Holes in trunk
Many of these insect and disease conditions can weaken the pine tree and lead to tree death if not treated. If you suspect a problem with your trees, call a SavATree certified arborist right away for an evaluation and treatment options. Our pine tree care experts can help protect your trees and keep your landscape beautiful.
Photo by Howard F. Schwartz, Colorado State
Diseased photo: Pine-Blister-Rust-5362139 byH.J.-Larsen,-,