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4.6 Stars Google Reviews
4.6 (5,198 reviews)
5 Stars Review Rating
The advice was carefully explained. No pressure. Several options given to save money or have them do the work. The arborist who came out was on time and had a wealth of knowledge.
Joseph D. Joseph D.
5 Stars Review Rating
They are the most courteous company I’ve dealt with. Very reliable. They always know how to properly treat the problem first time round.
Barbara S. Barbara S.
5 Stars Review Rating
The arborist was exceptional. She was not only professional, but explained in great detail what needed to be done, in a simple direct manner.
Nellie S. Nellie S.
5 Stars Review Rating
SavATree have been managing the health and appearance of my trees for longer than I can remember. Very easy to work with. I rely completely on their advice and recommendations.
Cecelia C. Cecelia C.
5 Stars Review Rating
Removed a diseased tree which was approximately 100 feet tall. Cleaned up beautifully. All plants surrounding were left in excellent condition. Nothing was damaged.
Robin A. Robin A.
5 Stars Review Rating
The arborists, tree and turf teams are always knowledgeable, professional and punctual. The quality of service is second to none.
Scott M. Scott M.
5 Stars Review Rating
No fuss, no mess. I should have had this done years ago. SavATree is an excellent example of how things should be done. Exceeded expectations in every way.
Jeff G. Jeff G.
5 Stars Review Rating
We had significant storm damage to our 75yo locust tree this summer. SavATree expertly triaged and re-shaped. It's filling back in nicely and looks very healthy. They are artists!
Phil G. Phil G.
5 Stars Review Rating
Our entire HOA uses SavATree for lawn fertilization. After only one season, they have our lawns looking great.They listen closely to customer needs and are very responsive.
Ron L. Ron L.
shrub fertilization

Shrub fertilizer is a key part of maintaining the beauty of your landscape. Like all living things, shrubs require nutrients in specific amounts in order to grow strong and healthy.

However, often they are managed for aesthetics rather than health, which can result in excessive pruning, over or improper planting or inappropriate site selection. This in turn leads to less sunlight, reduced air flow, and decreased nutrients.

In urban or suburban settings, landscape shrubs compete fiercely for soil nutrients and water and are particularly at risk for nutrient deficiencies. This issue can be compounded by possible stress from compacted soils, drought and root space infringement.

However, appropriately timed and formulated nutrient treatments injected via deep root fertilization can go a long way to restore tree health and maintain vigor.

SavATree’s ArborHealth® fertilizer provides essential nutrients to the root zones of trees and shrubs. Variables such as tree species, soil conditions, tree age, tree diseases, health, location, weather and stress conditions all factor into the tree fertilizer formula that your arborist develops for your property. Seasonally optimized ratios of nutrients in tree fertilizer are needed:

  • In the fall, plant roots absorb nutrients that will be used during the initial spring growth period
  • In the spring, plant roots absorb nutrients that will be used throughout the growing season.

What is the Best Shrub Fertilizer for Your Landscape?

There are many factors affecting the soil quality on your landscape including macronutrients, micronutrients, pH and salinity. Fortunately, your SavATree arborist can determine what is lacking or in excess by performing soil tests and recommend the best fertilizer for your shrubs’ needs containing one or a combination of the following ingredients:

  • ArborHealth – specially formulated, slow-release fertilizer which includes essential nutrients.
  • ArborKelp® – our exclusive seaweed biostimulant which promotes root growth and heightens stress tolerance.
  • Micronutrients – ingredients to correct deficiencies of minerals required in small amounts.
  • Mycorrhizae – essential fungi which aid roots in acquiring nutrients.

Customizing Shrub Fertilizer

  • ArborKelp can be used alone or in conjunction with ArborHealth when trees and shrubs struggle with long-term stress. This combined application is also appropriate when trees and shrubs are recovering from damaged or compromised root systems, when stressed by transplanting or construction damage, or when enduring drought conditions.
  • If your landscape’s soil lacks essential nutrients, ArborHealth should be used to promote healthy plant growth.
  • In specific circumstances, ArborKelp will be recommended in place of fertilization when the supplemental nitrogen contained in ArborHealth can have a negative effect on plant health.

Your arborist will recommend the best types and timing for tree fertilization based on your landscape’s specific needs.

Advantages of Deep Root Fertilization

SavATree utilizes a sub-surface liquid injection process to administer the nutrient applications. Injecting shrub fertilizer and soil amendments into the ground under pressure yields many advantages. Not only does this process replenish the depleted soil with needed nutrient components, it also disperses and aerates compacted soil, allowing water and oxygen to reach the root hairs where absorption takes place.

Have questions or need to set up a complimentary consult now? Get in touch.