ISA Certified ArboristGarrett Dick, CT Licensed Arboristcertified arborist farmington ct

Territory and Services:

Garrett operates out of SavATree’s Bloomfield branch in Hartford County, CT providing comprehensive tree, shrub, lawn, tick and deer services to Avon, Farmington, Granby, Simsbury and Canton, CT. Some popular services that Garrett offers to clients in the Farmington and Avon, CT areas include tree removal, tree pruning, tree and lawn disease diagnosis and treatment, pest and insect control, tree and lawn fertilization, lawn seeding, weed control, deer browsing services including our DeerTech program, shrub services and organic lawn care and other organic care services. Contact Garrett and have him come out to your property to make sure all of your trees and plants are healthy and thriving!

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (860) 688-9300


Garrett has been working on Connecticut landscapes offering comprehensive tree, shrub, tick and deer services for over five years as a Plant Health Care specialist and climber.


Garrett earned his bachelor’s degree in Natural Resources and Environment with a concentration in Forestry from the University of Connecticut.

Industry Involvement/Awards/Certifications:

  • ISA Certified Arborist (NE-7084A)
  • CT Licensed Arborist (S-6392)


Garrett lives in Wethersfield, CT with his long time girlfriend. He enjoys hiking, kayaking, autocross and traveling.

Why he Became an Arborist:

“I became an Arborist because of my love for nature and the environment. I wanted a rewarding career where I could promote environmentally sound practices that will enhance the beauty of trees, shrubs and lawns.

Customer Service Philosophy:

“I strive to support clients by being the person they turn to when needing help with their landscape.”

Observations in the Field:

Lawn Care in Southington, CT

Southington, CT Lawn Care

November 14, 2019 – This beautiful lawn belongs to one of my commercial clients in Southington, CT. As you can see, the lawn remained beautiful and green through to mid-November. They just finished their final treatment for the year, which will protect their lawn throughout the winter. If you want to achieve a lawn as beautiful as this one, get in contact with SavATree today to work with one of our certified arborists!

Learn more about SavATree’s Lawn and Tree Care Services for Bloomfield and the Greater Harford area.