Lawn Disease Treatment & Control

Georgia’s high humidity and heat can encourage lawn fungus, brown patches, red thread, and other lawn diseases. Don’t let that happen to your lawn. Every disease treatment recommended by your SavATree lawn specialist is based on analysis of the types of grass in your landscape and your growing environment.

Maintenance and Disease Prevention for Atlanta Lawns

Lawn Health

When we apply a lawn disease treatment to your lawn, the protected part of the blade gets removed as it grows and is mowed off. Thus, multiple applications of a lawn disease treatment may be required. The longevity of a lawn disease treatment mainly depends on the types of grass in your landscape, the specific lawn disease being treated and weather conditions

Pathogens are never totally eradicated from the lawn. Diseases can lay dormant in the thatch or in the plants waiting for the right conditions to become active. Your lawn maintenance consultant will work with you to develop a program that integrates carefully targeted treatments for specific areas where undesirable weeds, crabgrass, damaging insects and lawn diseases exist. In order to develop turf that is more competitive against lawn disease, your program may also include a balance of specially formulated nutrients and slow-release fertilizers.

Common Georgia Lawn Diseases

House with Nice Lawn

In order to properly treat lawn disease, you should get an expert opinion from a specialist who knows Atlanta’s conditions. Different kinds of lawn fungus cause different types of lawn diseases.

Some of the more common lawn diseases include leaf spotred thread, dollar spot and patch disease.

Fusarium Diseases

Fusarium diseases are caused by a specific type of lawn fungus, and occur predominantly in the spring before new, succulent growth has the chance to harden off. Treatment for fusarium lawn disease may be required every 3–4 weeks to gain control. Should these diseases persist, slice seeding new grass varieties into your lawn is recommended to reduce the percentage of susceptible grass types. SavATree Consultation

Red Thread Lawn Disease

Red thread is a type of lawn fungus that can be a 3 season problem for fescue lawns. This lawn disease is most prevalent when the weather is damp or humid.

Dollar Spot Lawn Disease

Dollar spot is most common on bluegrass, but it also affects all cool season turf grasses. Environmental conditions favoring dollar spot lawn disease are warm days and cool-warm nights with high humidity or prolonged dew. It’s generally thought of as a summer lawn disease, occurring primarily from June to September.

Brown Patch Disease

A patch disease infection (including Zoysia Patch) doesn’t become obvious until the plants go into stress, which normally occurs in June or July as a result of heat and reduced rain. Patch lawn disease can be reduced with a minimum of 4 applications. Our treatment protects your lawn for summer patch and brown patch conditions.

Spring Dead Spot

Spring dead spot is found mostly on Bermuda turf and occasionally on Zoysia. The disease can be seen in the spring following periods of long, cold, and freezing temperatures during the winter months. This can be reduced and even prevented with the proper preventative fungicide application in the late fall.

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