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Rory Sanders, ISA Certified Arborist

SavATree - Tree Service & Lawn CareTerritory and Services:

Rory works out of SavATree’s Phoenix, Arizona branch. He provides expert tree service to commercial properties in Phoenix, Scottsdale, Glendale, Tempe, Mesa, and Chandler, AZ. Rory and the team of professionals here at SavATree are uniquely qualified to handle issues and conditions specific to the Phoenix area of Arizona. Along with his team, Rory offers commercial clients many professional tree and shrub services including tree removal, tree pruning, tree disease management, tree fertilization, shrub and hedge trimming, shrub fertilization and organic tree and shrub care services. Additional services include HomeShield pest barrier and holiday decor installation and management. If you are in need of a certified arborist, the experts at SavATree are here to help. Whether you would like to maintain the beauty of your property or restore the health of your trees and shrubs, contact us and schedule your free consultation!

Email: [email protected]
Office Phone: (602) 788-0005
Cell Phone: (602) 819-4085

LinkedIn Profile


Rory earned his BS in Communication from Arizona State University in 2012.


Rory has 7 years of experience in the Landscape & Arboriculture Industry. He was previously at Caretake Landscape and Tree Management from 2016-2021.

Industry Involvement/Awards/Certifications:

  • AACM
  • CAI
  • BOMA
  • AMA


Rory is married with 3 children; two daughters (16 & 13) and one son (11). In his free time he enjoys traveling with his family, going to the beach, football and basketball.

Why Did You Become an Arborist?

“I became an arborist because it is a very important service that is needed across many industries. Trees are a vital part of our environment and proper care of them is essential.”

Customer Service Philosophy:

“I believe every customer deserves the highest level of service that I can provide to them. I always operate with the highest level of integrity to help my customers achieve the best results possible.”

Community Involvement:

  • Volunteer at St. Mary’s Food Bank
  • Community Youth Sports Coaching